Sunday, May 1, 2011



'Twas swillig: and four heroes young
Did gulp and guzzle West End Draught
Of Heroes deeds their Daddies sung
And drunk until they barfed.

Beware the FlamingO, fair Youths!
The Eye that's blind! The Plume that plucks!
That swansome Neck! Those trampling Hoofs!
The Beak that flips and sucks!

They took their cudgels stout in hand:
Eftsoons the pinksome Foe they found;
Then two on two, there at the Zoo,
They circled round and round.

And whilst in circles round they pranced,
The FlamingO, with blinded Eye,
And swansome Neck outstretched, advanced,
And honked a Goossome cry!

One! Two! Three! Four! Twelve times! A score!
Their cudgels stout went Whack! Whack! Whack!
They knocked it flat, and, feather in hat,
They clapped each other’s back.

Hast thou laid low the FlamingO?
Oh come to us, thou bold brave lads!
Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
Rejoiced them thus their Dads.

‘Twas swilling, and four Heroes proven
Gulp and guzzle Tooheys New:
On their brave deeds their Dads a-groovin’
Drink until they spew.

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