Friday, April 11, 2008

Kevin08 must be reading this!

Our Fearless Leader, Kevin Rudd, has been teaching the Chinese to suck eggs, but just as importantly, he has put The Republic firmly back on the agenda, presumably after reading my posting of 21/3/08. Any time, be my guest, Kev! Need any other hints on policy direction?

1 comment:

OZ_Prog47 said...

I have not seen ,as yet, any straws ! It must have been an ability to blend in with the locals long enough to observe from which end they suck.
However they do it, Nothing will slow their zeal down for oil and Tibetans..... But good Kev seems to have encountered that the solution is in the selling of goodwill to keep the cash flowing with the goods to be imported and sold to Australians. Therefore, enabling the very fliendly Chineses to buy themselves cars and drink Australian red wines ....
Rudd did not want to be rude....By selling out to the Chinese. .....Like Howard did not want be a coward..... By selling out to the Yank.... In an overall fashion, the lowering of the dacks goes accordingly to where the necessity calls.....
I find the political jigga-jigga a bit of a distraction from my own set of concerns.
We are watching the world unfolding in ways which can often outmatch several movies from Hollywood or Bollywood....But Holly Hoods Production will be forthcoming with a feature full of short comings not to be missed. This will happen in accordance with a most distracted audience eyeing on The Peking Olympic Jams.